Fedora Helped Us Save over 440 tons in CO2 Emissions

Post date: Feb 08, 2011 9:43:12 PM

For the year of 2010 by using Fedora on the computers that we reuse.

We have over doubled what we did last year at CrossBytes. We reused 6.4 tons of computers,

which is the equivalent of more than 6 million BTU's of greenhouse gas emissions saved in one year.

This represents an annual savings of:

1056.46 barrels of oil

44104.61 gallons of gasoline

88.59 fewer cars on the road

440.92 tons in CO2 emissions

This also means that the Fedora Community and CrossBytes have stopped the following pollutants

and toxins from entering into our landfills or hazardous waste exports:

1410 pounds of lead contained in computer monitors and printed circuit boards.

2.35 pounds of cadmium contained in chip resistors, infrared detectors and semiconductors.

7.5 ounces of mercury contained in batteries, switches/housing, and printed circuit wiring boards.

1.41 pounds of hexavalent chromium used as a corrosion protection of untreated and galvanized steel plates and as a decorative hardener for steel housing.

48.12 pounds of brominated flame retardants that are in monitors and laptops.

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