Fedora Project At LFNW In Belingham Washington
Post date: Apr 20, 2010 6:23:23 PM
We will have free Live cd's, install dvd's, window stickers, tattoos, and metallic case badges for laptops that are running Fedora on them.
We will have 1-2 olpc's running Sugar and 1-2 running Fedora. At least 1 laptop running Fedora 12 and hopefully 1 running Fedora 13 beta updated to the nightly runs.
So come out and join us at booth 102, first booth inside the front door on the right hand side 9:30am - 5:00pm.
LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) is the 11th annual premier Linux event in the northwestern U.S. It takes place Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th of April at the Bellingham Technical College in Bellingham, Washington, USA.