Who We Are
All About Us
CrossBytes has been recycling computers in Clark County since 2004, providing low or no-cost computers, computer instruction, and technical services to individuals in need. We have built our business, CrossBytes, based on the theory that everyone should have a computer and the software available to reach their individual goals. We have installed Fedora on all of the computers from our computer donation program. Our clients range from middle school students to senior citizens. Fedora has allowed us to open a whole new world to many people. These individuals have not only learned to use Fedora in their everyday lives; they have also learned the inner workings of the system allowing them to continue growing as computer users. They enjoy learning new programs and they rest assured in the security and stability that Fedora offers them.
All of the rebuilt/refurbished computers are completely overhauled to insure the systems are stable and immediately usable for the new owners. Unfortunately not all donated computers and equipment can be reused or rebuilt. This leaves a limited number of free systems from our computer recycling center. The proceeds from donations and our laptop and crafts sales help to offset the costs involved in the free complete systems. This allows for low income and needy families to receive a computer system at no charge whatsoever. Each free system comes with instruction on how to set it up at home, and on occasion home delivery can be arranged. Everyone who has migrated to Linux from other operating systems are impressed with the security and ease of use. We want to continue educating individuals about Fedora and promoting Fedora to everyone who desires to learn. Not one person has converted back to an old operation system. They have referred their friends and family to us for Fedora systems and education.
CrossBytes welcomes the suggestions from students, teachers, parents, family members and all that which to see a student surpass their goals.
We are also proud to say that we are part of the Fedora Contributors as a Fedora Ambassador.